Auden Skin Lab Policies

  • Please make sure to cancel or reschedule your appointment with at least 24 hours notice. This is to ensure that I have the opportunity to book your appointment time slot with another client who wants to get in sooner. Failure to provide 24 hours notice for a cancellation or reschedule will result in a charge that is 50% the total appointment cost. This fee will need to be paid before booking another appointment with Auden Skin Lab.

  • If a client is a no call no show, they will be charged 100% of the total appointment cost. This fee will need to be paid prior to booking another appointment with Auden Skin Lab. Please understand and respect that my time is valuable, in addition to my other clients who are seeking appointment times.

  • Please notify me if you are running late for your appointment. Rescheduling your appointment may be an option, dependent on the service if you are more than 15 minutes late. All appointments at Auden Skin Lab are booked back to back, and due to this, I may not have enough time to complete the service if it is started too late. Please note that if you wish to still be seen with the limited time left in your appointment, you may not receive your full service if you are late.

    Also note that if a client is more than 15 minutes late and $15 late fee will be applied to your service.